Integrative medicine combines conventional medicine with the complimentary benefits of alternative therapies such as acupuncture or herbal supplements. Taking an integrative approach to medicine refocuses care to the whole patient and whole body as opposed to a disease-centric view. When treating the entire patient with integrative therapies, benefits include relief in pain, reduction in disease side effects, shortened recovery time and return to daily function.
Dr. Freed has a passion for alternative therapies and has witnessed the benefits they can bring to her patients, especially senior pets. While open to many different traditions Dr. Freed takes her oath to ‘do no harm' seriously. Because of this, she pursues evidence-based alternative therapies and has completed training at the only science-based acupuncture academy in the nation. Dr. Freed utilizes these skills in all of her appointments when beneficial as well as offering acupuncture-only consultations and treatment plans when requested.